In May 2011, after four years of life on McNutt's Island, we moved to Montreal. This blog remains, though, as a (sort of) daily record of our time on the island, and a winding path for anyone who would like to meander about among its magical places. For additional perspectives and insights I recommend Greg's book, Island Year: Finding Nova Scotia (2010), and my Bowl of Light (2012). I'll continue to post once in a while. If you do want to read this blog, one option would be to begin at the beginning of it (which is, as we all know, in blog-world, at the end), and read forward, concluding with the most recent entry. It's a journal, really, so it does makes more sense if you read it that way. But, you know, read it any way you like.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Full moon rising

A full moon glimmered just below the tops of the spruce forest last night. Slowly it appeared.Maybe it's a good night to plant potatoes. Or have babies, or make them.
Maybe on this night the creatures of the sea feel an irresistible alluring, and turn and swim through watery silver light toward the nets of the fishermen.

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